Long Khong 2 (a.k.a. Art Of The Devil 3) is a 2006 Thai horror film directed by Kongkiat Khomsiri and another eight directors known as the "Ronin Team". The movie acts as a prequel to the film Long Khong released on 2005. This installment deepens into the story of a teacher portrayed by Napakpapha Nakprasitte, who after been rejected by her classmates as a young girl, turned to black magic to take revenge on her wrongdoers.
Asian horror cinema is known for their impressive way to terrify the viewers. However, the Thai movie series Art Of The Devil combine the power of the Asian mystery and the typical Western shock but with more emphasis given to the latter.
As a prequel to the Thai film Long Khong, Art Of The Devil 3 (a.k.a. Long Kong 2) is a fine movie to watch if you feel interested in knowing the reasons behind the teacher becoming crazy and involved in Black Magic.
But my purpose here is to evaluate this particular film as an individual footage, not as a trilogy; taking that into account, I dare to say that the movie might just be lame and totally unnecessary.
The film deepens mainly into the past incidents involving Panor (the school teacher) and Ta (one of the high school students from Art Of The Devil 2. So, if we decide to view the film on its own worth, we get the feeling that it lacks a more enriching experience and more shocking moments. The numerous "flashbacks" that reference scenes from the second film make this one a little bit confusing, since you get the idea that all those events have already happened, when in deed they are just about to happen.
If you do not demand a lot from a plot, you can still find some gross-outs and a couple of scary moments. But, if you like when the plot makes you feel like you are participating of the set of events, Art Of The Devil 3 is not the movie for you. Although the film succeeds in creating some terrifying moments (e.g. a lot of maggots in the skin), the set of events do not contain sufficient elements that can capture the viewer's attention; that, plus the many characters that do not seem to fit in the movie or that seem unnecessary, take away the audience interest. Without a main hero/heroine it is difficult to appreciate this film like other horror films in which there is a protagonist for us to connect with and follow throughout the entire plot.
All-in-all, Art Of The Devil 3 is basically about trying to get a bit of the success obtained by the previous two installments in the series.
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