Death Tube is a 2010 Japanese horror movie directed by Yôhei Fukuda; and starring Shoici Matsuta, Wataru Kaoru
, and Ishino Atsushi.
The movie is about a young man whose online curiosity takes him to watch a web page where real murders are shown for a couple of weeks a year. The page is called Death Tube and besides prerecorded footage it also contains live steaming of real murders that are committed in a game-like fashion, kind of like the Saw movie franchise. The the beginning he is skeptic about the whole thing and doesn't even talk about it; however, the next day he finds himself trapped in a small room seemingly after having been captured by the page psychos. The young man discovers that he is in the same situation as six more people and it seems that the game is now on and there is only one person who can survive the twisted-minded game of survival.
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