Kyôfu is a 2010 Japanese horror film directed by Hiroshi Takahashi, and starring Yôko Chôsokabe, Mina Fujii and Momoko Hatano. Last installment in a series of six films produced by Takashige Ichise and release under the umbrella of J-Horror Theater. The series comprises Infection (2004), Premonition (2004), Reincarnation (2006), Retribution (2007), Kaidan (2007), and Kyôfu (2010).
One night, Dr. Hattori and her husband decide to watch a film that depicts a brain surgery experiment performed on some Manchurian, Russian and Japanese people. The tape, which they found in the basement of a hospital, seems very old and has a very low quality. Suddenly, a white light appears on the screen and when the two doctors look back, they see Miyuki and Kaori, their two young girls, staring at the light. Some years later, a grown-up Miyuki has disappear from the Tama Medical University Hospital and her sister Kaori starts seeking her. However, soon she discovers, that Miyuki and some young people have made a suicidal pact. Nonetheless, while trying to fulfill their pact, the group is submitted to a nightmarish experiment by Dr. Hattori and her team who are investigating a strange phenomenon that occurs in the human brain.
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